I have never met such a wide variety of architecture in one place as Estonian town Tartu has! The town united three different cultures (German, Nordic and Soviet) and represents absolutely unique case! Do not be surprised to see standing in a row new modern glass building, 5 floor Soviet house from 50s and a century years old wooden private house. Sometimes it reminds a collage made in Photoshop and you need a second to realize that you are not dreaming.
As we say in Ukraine, “it’s better have seen one time than have heard 100 hundred times”. That is why let me show you some of the building that I took the pictures of. I am not an expert in architecture, so please do not be strict to my comments.

1. This building is located on a main square and also called Leaning Tower of Pisa due to its incline. I hope it is safe to put a cup of hot tee on a table there.

4. This is one of my favorite! I adore how Estonians harmonize new architecture to old traditions. While this building is absolutely new, we can easily understand what culture it is from.

6. Absolutely strange and charming. Always reminds me “The Blair Witch Project” movie (don’t watch it if you haven’t yet).

7. Look what a beautiful carving! I might be mistaken, but think that this is inspiration of old Russian culture.