Helsinki daycare centres to hand out xylitol

xylitol-gumRegular use of xylitol, a sweetener derived from birch trees, has been proven to reduce cavities and loss of teeth, so children attending Helsinki daycare centres will now agauin be given xylitol gum and other products, according to new guidelines from the Ministry for Health and Social Affairs.

Helsinki had previously suspended distribution of xylitol products to all but the smallest children, but will now have to provide it. According to the municipality, successful use of the tablets is difficult to ensure for all children.

It was also seen as problematic that some daycare centres had asked parents to contribute funds for the xylitol products, when collection of money from parents is forbidden in the public daycare system.

The estimated cost of acquiring dispensers for xylitol products in the first year is 100,000 euros, with annual spending around 60,000 euros per year after that. Daycare centres will provide parents with more detail on the changes.

Source: YLE