Latvians to produce anti-ageing cosmetics from fungi and plants

anti-ageing cosmeticsBiologists of University of Latvia have researched new active ingredients that can be used in cosmetics. These are polysaccharids and glicoproteins of plants and fungi – molecules that consist of sugars and proteins. Their combinations are often used in skin anti-ageing cosmetic products.

Market research shows that skin anti-ageing cosmetic products make up the majority of the hygiene product market. This market is expected to continue to grow. Therefore, there is always great demand for new and effective active substances derived from natural products, as reported by UL Biology faculty.

Ageing is a process that is affected by the environment: ultraviolet rays, pollution, low-quality food products and smoking. The body’s internal processes also contribute to the gradual process of ageing. This process is programmed on a genetic level. It is possible to study, characterise and influence each of these ageing mechanisms. It is possible to produce cosmetic products that will affect specific ageing mechanisms of the human skin.

Cosmetic application is only effective if it targets specific problems, researchers say. UL researchers have been studying active ingredients derived from plants and fungi for many years. During the course of this project since 2010, researchers have managed to not only improve the collection and analysis methods of these substances but also develop and optimize in vitro analysis methods of these substances actual effect on ageing.

Laboratory tests performed in vitro on fungi and plants exhibited anti-microbial properties, anti-oxidative effects of human dermal cell cultures as well as the ability to suppress inflammation by stimulating the production of collagen, elastin and other important skin tissue protein synthesis and promote cell division.

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Source: Baltic News Network