Sweden takes steps to tacle foreign spying

cyber defenceThe Swedish Armed Forces is busy tightening its defences against overseas cyber intrusion, reporting that several state agencies have been subject to attacks over the past year.

Swedish authorities are working on their cyber defences in a bid to keep out prying eyes and a new set of internet use guidelines is set to be framed for the members of the Swedish parliament, according to a report in the Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) daily.

“We are upgrading the system and adapting it to the threats. Ignorance could lead to the information falling into the wrong hands,” Mattias Hanson at the Armed Forces intelligence service Must told the newspaper.

The Swedish intelligence authorities, particularly the National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA), have come in for criticism in recent months following revelations of cooperation with the UK intelligence agency GCHQ and the US.

Sweden’s Foreign Minister Carl Bildt has defended much-criticized surveillance practices and stated that the Swedish police and security services operate within the Swedish law and in line with Swedish interests….

Read the whole story: http://www.thelocal.se/20131104/sweden-takes-steps-to-tackle-foreign-spying

Source: The local - pvs