Majority Lithuanians still afraid of negative euro changeover consequences

lithuania euro1Only about 12% of Lithuanians believe that the euro changeover will have no negative consequences. The rest of respondents are afraid of various negative consequences of the introduction of the euro: from price rise to a significant loss of national identity, a representative poll commissioned by the Lithuanian Consumer Institute reveals, cites LETA/ELTA.

57% of those polled are afraid of a rise in prices for products and services. 31% think that after the euro changeover the general standard of living will decline in Lithuania. 30% of respondents are certain there will be cheating when converting prices from the litas into the euro.

22% think that due to the euro changeover Lithuania will lose a very significant part of national identity. 16% of respondents say that the introduction of the euro may cause personal inconveniences to them.

The representative survey on possible threats of the euro adoption was conducted by Spinter Tyrimai. 1,005 Lithuanians aged 18-75 were polled on 8-15 April 2014.

Source: The Baltic Course