Cases of animal neglect on production farms increase

The Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira reports that there was an increase in cases of the abuse of farm animals last year. Meanwhile, the Finnish animal rights organisation Oikeutta eläimille (Justice for Animals) has released new video material documenting substandard conditions at three animal production facilities.

According to the Food Safety Authority’s annual report, the most violations of animal protection regulations were found on fur and cattle farms, as well as at broiler production facilities. The largest number of cases, nearly half of the total, were at broiler facilities. Almost half of the 132 broiler farms inspected were found to contravene regulations.

Of the 244 cattle farms inspected, breaches were found on 27%, slightly more than in 2012. On one cattle farm, urgent measures were implemented to secure the animals’ welfare. Practices contravening animal welfare regulations were found on one-fifth of the inspected pig farms, which was fewer than in 2012.

With fur-production animals, the number of breaches found fell clearly from 2012, but remained relatively high at 33%. However, only 24 fur-producing farms were inspected, which is fewer than in previous years. (more)

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Source: YLE, Evira