EU project supports innovative comfortable furniture spring

springHave you ever had a sore back from sitting uncomfortable? This spring could be the solution. The spring is an innovation created in the cooperation between companies and academia. It will substitute the foam that is used in today’s furniture.

The spring is the result of cooperation between industry and academia. The spring will function in a network of others. This is one of several successful results that are now spread in the network of companies and organizations in the ongoing project Comfort in Living.

Comfort in Living is one of five pilots in the BSR StarDust project, a three year project under the flagship BSR Stars. In the first week of July a workshop was launched in Copenhagen. Students and companies from 7 countries around the Baltic Sea werel together cooperate in an Innovation Camp, with the ambition to create new innovations such as the spring.

The innovation project StarDust is a transnational project co-financed by the European Union’s Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, which promotes regional development through transnational cooperation