The world theater day

KlaudiaWhat do you think when you hear the word ‘theatre’? Field of art, institution which puts play on a stage  or maybe just a building? These numerous contexts show us that there is no one ‘only right’ definition which describes what exactly means ‘theater’ . Rather, to understand what is theater, you have to feel it.

In fact theater is a source of many experiences. Source which accompanied mankind since ancient times. In ancient Greece people got to know the world through the prism of theater.. However, to this day theater plays an important role in human life. It shows a different perspective. Gives a chance to get away from the problems of everyday life (or look at it from another point of view, with some distance). We can relax there and put ourselves in character’s position. This shows us that we are definitely a part of play, and underlines a simple rule – if there were no spectator, this institution wouldn’t exist.

The Dramatic Theatre in Plock

Seen in this light, it should be recalled that 27 March is a World Theatre Day. It was established in 1961 by International Theatre Institute. To celebrate it various national events are organized. E.g. in Poland we have the “Touch the Theater” project. Its purpose is to make a chance for spectators to participate in imaginative meeting with artists. Thanks to this project inhabitants of 45 Polish cities had possibility to take part in plays, educational workshops and seminars, theatre sightseeing, meetings with producers, exhibitions or concerts.

The main slogan of 52. Polish edition of the World Theatre Day was “Let’s play Fredro”. Aleksander Fredro was one of the greatest Polish comedy writers. In 2013 we will celebrate the 220 anniversary of his dead.

One of my favorites Polish actors is Andrzej Seweryn. He delivered a special address which was made for this occasion. But the most important thing this day was a video message sent by Dario Fo. It  was read in different languages by theater personalities around the whole world.

And what about me? How did I celebrate the World Theatre Day? Unfortunately in my home town there were no special events this day. However I decided to celebrate it by reading Tadeusz Żeleński Boy reviews of different performances of Fredro’s plays.


Tadeusz Żeleński Boy “Obrachunki Fredrowskie”

I hope that my brief note shows that theater is an institution which is close to my heart. That’s why this day is a very special for me. Since the youngest years, I has been very excited before every play.  Until today, I think it is the most enjoyable way to spend time. However, I  don’t have my favorite play. Nevertheless I  entirely agree with Woody Allen, who said that there are nothing like the best movie, the best director, the best play etc. – each of them are different so we can’t compare them.


Some of my theatre tickets