Lihuania bans sale of energy drinks to minors

energy drinksLithuania has banned drinks that contain 150 milligrams of caffeine per litre from being sold to minors. The ban also applies to such popular brands as Red Bull and Monster Energy.

The Wall Street Journal evaluates that the move could have a large impact on industry sales. A European Food Safety Authority study found in 2013 that adolescents are far more likely to consume energy drinks than adults, with 68 percent of Europeans aged 10 to 18 years old drinking them.

The energy drink market has quadrupled over the past 10 years, with global energy-drink sales reaching more than 19 billion euros in 2013. Austrian firm Red Bull has a 31.5 percent global share, while its American rival Monster has 14 percent, Time and the Wall Street Journal Report.

Source: Baltic News Network