1.295 mln Latvians and 0.583 mln Russians currently live in Latvia

At the moment, there are 1.295 million Latvians and 0.583 million Russians living in Latvia, according to latest information provided by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, cites LETA.

Among Latvia’s population, there also are 73,442 Belarusians, 52,274 Ukrainians, 47,947 Poles, and 27,778 Lithuanians. Among ethnical minorities, 8,972 are Jewish, and 8,972 – Roma.

Out of all Russians living in Latvia, 181,785 are non-citizens. There are also 713 Latvians who live in Latvia who do not have Latvian citizenship.

Among Latvia’s population, there also are 864 Chinese, four of which have gained Latvian citizenship, 46 Cubans, two Laotians, seven Tunisians, 18 Vietnamese, and 47 Syrians.

Source: The Baltic Course
