Swedes worried about growing xenophobia

sweden right wingMore than three out of four Swedes are worried about growing racism and xenophobic attitudes, according to a new survey.

Roughly 78 percent of Swedes are very or somewhat concerned about an increased xenophobia, a figure much higher than the concern Swedes feel toward increased immigration, something that worries 49 percent.

The findings come from the so-called SOM Institute, which publishes reports each year by researchers at Gothenburg University. This year was the first time that the institute measured Sweden’s thoughts on xenophobia and racism.

“We talk a lot about xenophobia and there is also a strong negative attitude to all forms of racism and xenophobia,” Marie Demker, professor of political science at at Gothenburg University, told Swedish Radio News.

Demker has studied for many years Swedes’ attitude toward refugees, as well. Since the early 1990s, she said people’s attitudes have become more tolerant. And that in this year’s survey, there is nothing to indicate a change of trend, she said.

“But that does not mean that everything is hunky-dory,” Demker added. “But we see increased openness, reduced resistance, a wider tolerance than before.”

Source: Radio Sweden
